MKE Fire Department
The Milwaukee County Fire Department at Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport strives for excellence in emergency preparedness and response to enhance our customer focused, innovative role as industry leaders while overcoming expanding risks. We are committed to excellent leadership and professional accountability. We will achieve this through effective training, use of technology and adaptation to the changing needs of our community.

Thank you for your interest in the Milwaukee County Fire Department. We hope you find the information that we have compiled to be interesting and helpful.
We are an active, progressive fire department and provide many services beyond the traditional role of fire suppression. We pride ourselves in maintaining the strong traditions of service and dedication to our customers. It is our goal to deliver assistance when and if the need of emergency service arises. It is this goal that pilots the services we provide and the training and equipment to deliver them.
Our number one asset in delivering these services is the people that make up the Milwaukee County Fire Department. It takes a high degree of professionalism and technical expertise to serve as we do. As a rule, we are constantly training and re-evaluating our procedures to ensure that we meet all needs by the most efficient means possible.
Mission Statement:
The Milwaukee County Fire Department (MCFD) at MKE provides prompt, quality service with compassion, integrity and commitment through prevention, education and a professional response to all hazards. We promote safety and security, enhanced sustainability, and quality of life enrichment through professional development and dedication to service.
Core Values - Integrity, Competence, Tradition, Excellence, and Accountability:
We provide FAA-required Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) services at Mitchell Airport. The MCFD consists of 24 full-time members, including one Fire Chief, five Assistant Chiefs, and 18 Firefighters. We operate under the direction of MKE Airport leadership.
The Milwaukee County Fire Department responds to nearly 1,000 calls for service per year. The vast majority of these are on Airport property. MCFD also responds to aircraft emergencies and vehicle accidents in the vicinity of Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport. There is one Fire Station which is strategically located near the middle of the airfield, close to the intersection of MMIA's two longest runways. MCFD is also a full participating member of MABAS Division 107 (Mutual Aid Box Alarm System), which allows our MABAS partners to call upon our large supply of Firefighting Foam and our unique application devices.
Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) is a very specialized form of firefighting. In addition to basic firefighting knowledge, Milwaukee County Airport Firefighters must remain proficient in all aspects of aircraft construction and hazard identification. Each service that we provide has specific training requirements. For instance, ARFF involves 40 hours of training on 12 specific topics as well as 2 live fire burns annually. In addition to this training, our firefighters are licensed EMTs which adds another layer of training demands. Every year, our EMTs must participate in Continuing Education Units (CEU) throughout the year as well as attend a week-long refresher course to maintain their licensure.
We are fortunate to have a very robust training facility that includes a "Class A” burn tower, an aircraft mock-up for live fire burns, as well as a classroom for up to 20 students. These assets ensure that our customers are provided with the very best service possible.
All job opportunities with the Milwaukee County Fire Department are recruited through the Milwaukee County Department of Human Resources. Click here to view available positions within Milwaukee County.